Apr 22, 2004 19:28
I went to the post office today to mail a package and realized as I was leaving that I'd been charged much more than I should've been.
"Excuse me miss, there seems to be a mistake. I must've misspoken. I don't need this much insurance on the package. I'm sorry, could I trouble you to fix it?"
I didn't misspeak. $400 insurance? No way. I simply find it so much easier to accept responsibility in cases like this. Does this make me an overly passive, screwed up person? Possibly. But I don't do it because I feel I'm inferior. I simply don't see the point of wasting time with strangers over matters of pride. The other person is always willing to let me take the blame. They feel better about the situation and that not only speeds things along, but makes them more pleasant to be around as well. Result: I spend less time talking to them. Everybody wins.
Remember kids: the squeaky wheel gets the spit in their soup.