Self-congratulatory bullshit that tries to boost the egos and perceived IQs of the hosts. Why the fuck am I not surprised? It's all analysis and shit, which sure, is sometimes cool, but if I wanted a play by play of the entire episode, I would just watch the episode.
Their feed is here if you want to take a listen.
The podcasts aren't that bad, but personally I would rather go read Vallegirls tvgasm recaps. EDIT: the old ones. The new recaps seem kind of bitter and mean. You can poke fun at the show, you don't have to be crazy for everything in the show, but there doesn't seem to be any underlying love in their new stuff.
Note: I was listening to the
podcast for Number Crunch, which is like, my favourite episode EVER, along with Super. And one of the podcasters posited that Ingram inserts his consciousness into the machine. "Oh, like Star Wars," the other one said, and I shouted "NO!" before I even knew what I was doing. It is not fucking Star Wars. If they are referring to Darth Vader, he is still a dude in a suit. Maybe something like Ghost in the Shell or the database in Doctor Who's "Silence in the Library" would be a more apt comparison. Maybe even the Magi in Neon Genesis Evangelion. But just. Arg. No. I was just sitting there fuming about that for reasons I still don't completely understand. Proably because everyone thinks all science fiction is Star Wars.