Person of Interest drinking game

Mar 04, 2012 16:40

I only have two more unwatched episodes to go. I also have a six-pack. Help me make a PoI drinking game.

Drink whenever:

1) Reese creepily stalks Finch, and everyone is okay with it. Now I want stalker!Reese fic.
2) Finch appears out of fucking thin air.
3) Carter hesitates to help Reese, and he's able to completely change her mind with a few pithy words.
    - double drink if the pithy words have something like "you could ____ or you could save a life."
4) Fusco is under-appreciated. Is it bad that I like Fusco loads more than Carter? I think I would like Carter a lot more and think she was great if everyone stopped talking about how great she was
5) Reese smiles.
6) Someone mentions Elias or he shows up. Note + Spoilers: This rule does not apply to "Foe," or I would be dead.
7) This one is borrowed from Vallegirl's PoI recaps on tvgasm: Reese shoots someone in the knee.
8) Carter brings up Reese's suits.

Some might argue that another rule should be "whenever Finch loses his limp" or "Finch can move his neck," but Finch himself has said that the pain can range from day to day, so I'm not sure if that's Michael Emerson forgetting to limp or if that's deliberate. Can we plot Finch's feelings in relation to the severity of his pain? I must stop being an engineer.

Also, look. Now I have a new tag, since I'm talking about this show like crazy. There goes my determination to keep my tags to a manageable amount.

person of interest, television

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