And all of that came to my mind just because of waiting to an episode of Dr Who

Oct 25, 2008 14:36

Sociology class yesterday touched an interesting subject. We talked about prejudice, something that I've been thinking about for a while. I don't think there's a person who's free of it completely. Me neither. I do realize though, that it may be quite a setback. As I enjoy finding new interesting aspects of the personalities of different people, I still think certain things about people with whom I've never even spoken. But than, there's a reason to that, isn't there? How do I distinguish between my common sense about people and just ungrounded prejudice?

But it's so cool to find something common with a person that you didn't even think of getting closer to.
It's just that I've been thinking lately about my present relationships with both new and old people. Reconsidering my friends' personalities and just basically having too much free time to think, which doesn't always make good to me.

Another thing I was wondering about is moving to another place. Actually what made me seriously think about this was my mother's question about whether I'd move to another country at the end of this year if we could. I said 'yes' immediately, but I've been thinking about it since. I've been quite restless in this place, I know. There are both negative and positive things in here, but I'm not sure if it's that or just an inside condition which won't change just because of moving to another place.

I have an important question for you guys:
have you [or someone you know] moved to another country before finishing high school? How did it affect your future? What do you think about? Is it worthy, or it's better to finish school in a better known language?

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