Yuletide recs, fandom Column B

Dec 26, 2009 23:10

A little bit of everything, in its way.

How We Begin to Remember, Paul Simon - Graceland (album)
This is the powerful pulsing of love in the vein.
This basically ties everything that happens in the album together into one story, and does it brilliantly.

All of Denmark, Hamlet
Modernization; AU. Denmark's new king has scarcely settled upon the throne when World War II arrives at her doorstep, and Hamlet must make the only choice available.
The requester said they liked being able to see Hamlet's moral compass from the play reinterpreted in a more recent context, and I have to agree. The crazy revenge stuff in the play doesn't work so well, to the modern eye, but this makes a hell of a lot of sense - and Horatio is as sensible as ever.

Red, Little Red Riding Hood
"I could have named any number of ways I would have preferred to spend my vacation than checking up on Grandma."
Smart, proactive Red in the modern day, taking it in stride when a nasty home invader gets into Grandma's.

Three Christmases with Miss Honey, Matilda (book-canon)
Matilda never really had a Christmas until she came to live with Miss Honey.
I think what I love about this the most is that Matilda's powers come back. As to how they do so... well, I'll be digging up the promised related fic, after the author reveal.

Down by the Schoolyard, Me and Julio Down by the Schoolyard
Well, Mama Pajama rolled out of bed, and she ran to the police station...
This ties together everything in the song, and explains why it was such a big deal. (Also, it's kind of an adorable love story.)

Plato and Aristotle, My Fair Lady
Professor Henry Higgins doesn't want Colonel Pickering to leave...
...but this being Victorian England, he of course can't come right out and say that. Fortunately, he doesn't have to. This is sweet and... actually kind of hot, and the mention of Eliza's reaction to the situation is awesome.

Nobody Likes Tech Support, National Treasure
Riley didn't actually mean to get into the treasure hunting business.
A possible explanation for how Riley got involved in this mess, which includes totally not hacking the Pentagon at all.

No, We Don't Want This Anymore, Andrew Bird - Noble Beast (album)
We who are so very young, still my lover won't return to me. A break-up in slightly more than two-thousand words.
Oh my god, I knew nominating this album was a good idea. This story is beautiful and utterly heartbreaking (as a good break-up story should be), and I could hear a few of the songs in my head as I was reading.

Mistaken for Strangers, To Say Nothing of the Dog
A photograph taken over a hundred years earlier sends Verity on another trip back through time.
VERITY POV FOR THE WIN. Also, more fun with the possible complications of time travel.

national treasure, my fair lady, oxford time travel, matilda, paul simon, hamlet, andrew bird, little red riding hood

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