Mar 25, 2009 12:15
I like to tell people that the number one enemy of food is mom.
Not intentionally of course but just out of tradition.
Believe me, I ain't talkin' bad bout yo mama.
Bless her heart.
Mom makes her baked beans the same way every time with a hunk of salt pork
and a jar of ketchup. So after a while you hate baked beans and even
when you grow up you hate them. Only because you never had any with smoked bacon,
brown sugar and a seriously good sauce. Through circumstances out of your control
mom has killed the beans for you. Mom, or dad, or granny has probably done this for many foods.
Spinach, squash, broccoli, tofu, spam, okra, spaghetti, bell peppers and countless others.
When I was younger I hated yellow squash and zucchini. My mom would slice it, add butter, salt and pepper and water
and simmer until it was like a bad box of melted crayons. Sometimes the Pot of squash would scream and ask for a time out. I cry thinking about it. But when I got older and
tried to cook it myself I found I really liked them, when cooked a better way. A light saute with lemon and olive oil, or grilled or placed
in a dish with other hearty veggies.
So, question,
Is there a dish or food that mom totally destroyed for you as a kid?
Have you since tried it again and liked it?
Did you discover a better or different way to cook it that made it better?
Have you showed this to mom or dad and converted them with kitchen angels singing praises to your braises rather than dying from your frying?
Let us know.