Aug 03, 2007 21:18
Hi all. It has been so hot this past two weeks, we were in the thralls of a heatwave. So what to cook-certainly not anything in the house. Hence the barbeque. I made a pork roast one night on the barbeque, a pizza another night, and of course hamburgers another night. It was great not heating the house up any more than it already was. I had nice crisp lettuces and onions from the garden to make a salad, and also new potatoes to go with. Wednesday night I picked a four quart basket of peas from the garden, and now the wax beans are ready for picking. So tomorrow I have a job to do. Good thing I didn't plant as many beans as last year. I will be pickling some beans though, as we love dill beans. Almost like dill pickles, same ingredients, except you cook the beans until crisp-tender and then pack them lengthwise into quart sealers with dill and garlic and add the brine. I bring the filled jars to a boil in a hot water bath just to heat them up enough to ensure a good seal, takes about 5 minutes tops. Then I store them in the downstairs pantry for eating later in the winter. Yum!
I'm glad the temperature has cooled down some. I can actually enjoy being outside and not break into a sweat after the first minute!