Chicken Pot Pie

Jun 15, 2007 20:46

Chicken Pot Pie; supposedly one of the biggest comfort foods. I've never been to big of a fan of Pot Pie because I had an incident with Chicken Pot Pie. My mother bought me one of the frozen kind and I came to find out as I was eating it that something didn't taste right. It was chunky, not creamy, and had mysterious black speck's that to this day I still have no idea what they were.

My moms kind of been in the those moods when your just really down in the dumps. Chicken Pot Pie is one of here ultimate favorite meals. So I thought making it might up-pen her mood at least a little. It did. She was very happy, which made me happy.

I didn't really intend to even eat any of it, but it looked good, so I went a head and tried it. And to my surprise; I loved it! Now I wonder and came believe that I've been passing off on this meal! It was so good! The creamy goodness! Now I understand why its considered a comfort food. It was sure keeping me comfort ;]

peas, chicken, carrots

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