In my effort to make our food as pure as possible, i'm looking to start making our own spaghetti sauces on the weekend to have for during the week (yes, I know i'm totally a non-porny as I haven't already been doing this *hangs head*). Now, with googling around i've found some that look pretty good, but i'm curious what everyone here thinks is necessary for good sauce? Techniques and ingredients both. Do you have some my-mom-from-Italy-makes-this and it's oh so fantastic that you just can't wait to share it with me???! *bats eyelashes*
Really, we're pretty adventurous. I won't actually EAT mushrooms, but I know how to pick them out of the actual finished product so I have no issues with those - I enjoy the flavor, just not texture. We love wine, so again, not an issue. Of course, garlic-fiends. Really it's all good. Any veggie will get pureed as he won't eat it if he can see it (he ASKS me to do this because he knows he needs them - it's a mental thing I think).
I'm going to be out of school this summer and we're really focusing on our health so I want to take this time that i'm going to have and use it to build up my cooking skills more. I know in the long run this is SO much better for us than jarred sauces.
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