
Apr 23, 2007 21:46

I was recently given a citrus zester as a gift. I hadn't used it until today.

Lime cupcakes with ginger cream cheese frosting. :)

I got the recipe for the cupcakes from here. I halved the recipe, since I was only planning on making 12. However I added WAY more lime juice than called for in that recipe. I don't know how much because I just kept adding and tasting until it tasted right to me. But it was at least double what she calls for. I also added about a half teaspoon of ground ginger.

As to the frosting, I used this recipe with the following changes:

I used more cream cheese and butter (by about an ounce and a half) to the same amount of sugar. I also used way more ginger than that- again I just kept tasting until it became food, so I can't give you an exact amount. And I gave it a couple shots of lime juice, too.

The garnish is just the lime I zested, sliced thin and half a ginger snap cookie.

cream cheese, ginger, dessert, lime, cupcakes, equipment

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