French cheese, mmm

Apr 22, 2007 16:03

So i've just come back from three days on-site work in Rome. During this time I got 5 hours sleep, so as you can imagine I didn't get any time to go out and sample any fine Italian food. Such a shame :(

However, we changed planes in Paris on the way back, and while in Charles de Gaulle airport I took the opportunity to snaffle an exceedingly fine looking cheese selection box. The contents are individually wrapped in paper and so far i've only opened one. It contains the following:

A box of camembert

A wedge of 'Cantal entre-deux' (described online as being 'often thought of as the French cheddar')

Fourme d'Ambert, apparently a blue: ('A rough brown-gray crust on a lightly pressed creamy white cheese marbled with dark veins.. This should be smooth and fairly moist, tasting rich and bitey not bitter.')

Pont l'eveque (apparently 'a soft, rich, golden-yellow cheese with a rind that is yellowy gold or light tan depending on the finishing. During the two-month ripening period the rind may be brine-washed or simply brushed.. The aroma is strong but not offensive and the flavor rich and tangy without being sharp or bitter')

Sancerrois - goats' cheese from a particular region

and finally Rigotte dorée - a soft cows milk cheese with an orange rind

Not bad for €33 I thought!

As said, i've only unwrapped one, the Rigotte. This was the smallest in the box. There wasn't much in the fridge because I hadn't been shopping before going away, but I needed to finish a few leftover bits and pieces and popped to the shop around the corner for some fresh bread. I constructed what was a very simple but absolutely delicious lunch.

A bit of rocket, some butternut squash that i'd roasted in the oven before going away, a portabella mushroom grilled with balsamic and olive oil, a sliced tomato and the aforementioned bread and cheese.

The cheese was delicious, i'd almost forgotten how wonderful a really *good* french cheese can taste. I try not to buy cheese too much at the supermarket (otherwise i'd be fat and broke) and when I do I often try various english cheeses - there's plenty of those to get through, and they haven't travelled as far! Anyway, it was smooth and creamy to the palate, flavorsome but not overly pungent. I'm terrible at describing how foods taste, but you'll just have to take my word for it that it's great! I'm going to savour the others. I'm trying to decide whether to do anything particular with any of them, or just eat! Any recipe suggestions are welcome, as long as they don't need meat (I don't mix meat and dairy)

(cross-posted to cheese_party

squash, cheese, salad, mushrooms, tomatoes

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