Sep 06, 2004 18:21
First, I just read Jerry's journal. I wonder why he keeps track of how many Live Journals hes written. Is it some way of showing off? Like when a meat-head counts how many caps he has from drinking beer.
Ive noticed that a lot of my friends are getting fat. But I guess thats what partying and beer drinking does haha. Ive been trying to keep healthy. Running and working out mucho! Last night I watched Napoleon Dynamite again....but this time I did it drunk. That movie is sooo awesome. Labor day? wtf is that for. I like it because I get a day off. Still a pretty stupid "holiday" though. You dont go around saying happy labor day to people.
Last night after argueing with my dad about religion I went to sleep. I had the best yet worse dream ever. I dream that I dl'ed this Porn video. It was the best porn video ive ever seen. Realizing as I'm waking up that it was just a dream porn video, I quickly sadden. I wake up hoping as I turn my computer on that somehow that video will be there.......IT WAS.......'NT.
You ever wonder why black people call each other "Nigga" Sometimes while I'm at school I'll sit next to a group of black people and listen to them talk. Some of them will say "Nigga" at the begginning of every sentence. I start to smile and almost want to laugh. Something that past black people fought soo hard to erase or be de-labled from is being used at the beginning of every sentence. They say "Nigga" is not the same is Nigger. I read an article about a speech that Bill Cosby gave. Made a lot of sense. If black people want to make it in this world. They are gonna have to start talking with more common sense.
Peace out NIGGAS!