Oct 20, 2004 14:34
so yeah i have been a lil down of late how things can change so damn quick. So today was possibly one of the best days of my life. Not only did i get Hope back bc Mercer messed up and I shouldnt have been reviewed yet for Hope since i only had 26 attempted hours, i will be getting a refund check of at least 600 possibly 1200 if they want to give it all back to me at once. To make things even better, my parents and i had traded our cars for the weekend cus mine had some problems so we switched for a few days so they could fix it, well it turns out, now that it is fixed, my mom loves the car since it gets such good milleage and is so small so now i get to keep the other car. So yes i lose the 98 corolla but what do i get instead, muahahahahaha, a 2003 F-150 extended cab plus dvd and vcr player, does any wanna watch some movies in the backseat, if u wanna just holla. I wonder what i can find to run over.