Sep 08, 2020 16:48

В этом году в наш сад, как и сады наших соседей, произошло настоящее нашествие …слизней. И чем яростнее мы с ними боролись, тем больше их выползало!
В конце концов их победила …погода - под вечер холодает уже существенно. Осень! И теперь слизней этих уже почти совсем не видно.

А вот в Австралии счастливы от того, что несмотря на страшные лесные пожары, слизни спаслись!

Крупные слизни яркого малинового цвета живут исключительно в национальном парке Каптар, который расположен в австралийском Новом Южном Уэльсе, это штат на юго-востоке Австралии. Как утверждается, слизни эти уникальные, они даже флюоресцируют - светятся при ярком освещении. Вот полюбуйтесь!

SourceThese slugs live on an extinct volcano in Australia.
It was feared they had been wiped out by bushfires.
But the unique species survived.

The key reason they're seen as important is
because they occur nowhere else in
the world.
They are only found in
Mount Kaputar National Park
and a couple of
surrounding high peaks.

The slugs have a very small range
of about ten square kilometers.
So, large fires appear,
as we have seen this year in particular…
have the potential to wipe out whole species.

We haven't seen a fire up there for a while
and we weren't sure how they were gonna cope.
Some of the fires started, actually,
right up on the peak of the mountain,
and then burn through the habitat
where you see the slugs most commonly.

About 60 slugs were spotted by rangers after recent rainfall.

Seeing the slugs recently allows us to know
that they've survived through one of their
means of getting out of the way.

They actually retract into crevices
and under bark, and even into the ground
in big logs of rotten wood
as soon as the weather becomes dry and hot.
So they would have been hiding already from the drought
that has preceded the fires.
And if the fires hadn't been intense enough to
really go into their hiding places
then they are fine.

Mount Kaputar National Park will reopen in late February.

The best time to see them is when it's
been moist on the mountains so you can be
up there and go for a visit.
On a beautiful sunny day, you won't see them.
When it's foggy on top, particularly,
or when it's been raining, the slugs will be
And when they do come out in large numbers
it's amazing to see.

slug [slʌg] слизень, слизняк; "тихоход"; лентяй
snail[sneɪl] улитка тихоход; медлительный человек, лежебока, лентяй
fluorescent [flɔː'res(ə)nt]/[fluə'res(ə)nt]/[flə'res(ə)nt] флуоресцентный, флюоресцирующий


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