This one is Pirates of the Caribbean and NaruHina flavoured. I promised a friend NaruHina, so I figured why not combine both~ I'm going to draw another scene with GaaSaku too, probably one of the Phillip/Syrena moments. Probably should of done that with this one, since NaruHina suits them more, but in a silly moment I was like NAH, LET'S HAVE HINATA EAT PEOPLE INSTEAD. <3 Because fuck it, that girl needs some love~ and grab it with her hands and drag him down to eat him show her man what she's made of. Also Naruto's silly enough to follow one over the side of a boat.
Da link.
"Can you speak our words?"
"... Yes."
"You're beautiful."
"Are you the one who sings?"
"Are you my Jolly Sailor Bold?"