on fanfics in general

Apr 16, 2011 01:23

So as a general rule, I write really weird shit.

No, really. I do. My most well received fic that I deleted was when Sakura apprenticed to Ibiki and had a slow, rickety decent into madness that comes from torture, I deleted it before I got there, but she ended up torturing Deidara and they played mind games. I stopped because at the time mentally, I hadn't developed enough to write that well. He ended up tricking and fucking her over, but that was what saved her from going completely overboard. But again, mentally I didn't know how to portray that line.

Or Bitter Refuge. In which a man  becomes God by dying. He cheats mortality by dying. No one ever picked that up, and it annoyed me. Because it is such a beautiful irony and yet...

Laced to Crown, Kurenai is a ghost hullicination born of my own issues of that, in the sense is that is it the dead that watch us, or do we will them to because we don't want to be alone?

This is the shit I write, what I get ideas from, I do not how to write boy meets girl stories. Concepts, that plague me, that make me un able to sleep. I consider a story one that emotionally hits on a concept with me. That ache for thought.

Sometimes it doesn't have to be a particularly strongly explored concept, it can just be an image. From say  uh.... Gaara's lack of physical touch. That singular concept has poured out pages and pages of fanfic from me. Or it can be a concept as long and as complex as what made Bitter Refuge.
But what makes a good fic for you, flist, and what makes you write? I showed you mine, now show me yours P:

fanfiction, ramble

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