the awkward moment you actually log onto your lj for the first time in weeks.

Apr 15, 2011 14:54

Holy shit f-list, my life has been motherfucking crazy. Goddamn.

So I had con, photos will follow underneath. That was awesome. Had an amazing time, briefly met Tom Felton in which the conversation went like this.

Me: *getting pulled along to the wacom tent*
Tom Felton: *getting ushered off somewhere else the other side of a desk*
*both are sort of stuck*
Me: *awkwardly waves*
Tom: *waves back* I like your feathers.
Me: *blushblush* I like them too.
Tom: Is your hair real?
Me: *proud* Yes it is.
Tom: Cool. Its really impressive. *tries not to yawn* 
Me: You look really tired, no seriously, someone get you a redbull or something. You look like you are going to keel over. 
Tom: *laughs* Jet lag.
*both of us get pulled off*

And thus we went our separate waves. It was such a non event that I totally forgot about it till I got back to my house and my flat mate asked. xD

So yeah that was con, and then on Wednesday, I formally moved into my house~! Its with three other girls, one which I knew well, the other two that I  didn't, and we're all very different (me being the obligatory weird one) but we get on fabulously~ One of the girls had a really messy break up though, I mean like, really fucking messy, as in I had to stand guard against the door with a piece of wood in case he showed up and had to protect her while the others went out. So I guess this counts as a wee bit of a fire-forged friendship? But thats mostly cleared up (not after he pulled a really dick move of showing up at her work (she's a checkout chick at a major grocery store) and breaking up with her, right there, in the middle of her goddamn work place. What the fuck. What a dick)

Apart from that, I got to go out the other night (cause that has seriously been forever) anyway, my friend and I ended up in a not so fabulous place, called The Fox... well I didn't find it too bad, but apparently others do. Anyway we met these irish guys. And uhm, holy shit, they were either IRA or Mercenaries. I'm not even kidding. I am betting on IRA though, cause the first guy, he was missing two fingers, I asked, and he said that they had been chopped off when he was four and his brother shot in the kneecaps by the NRA. Both of them were pretty scared up, and well yeah.

Point of the story was that I some how managed to kiss both of them. The first one was a trick, in that I couldn't hear him over the music, so I lent over the tab, and he grabbed me and kissed me... and then my friend came back and was like "UH, LILY, WTF." Then the second one, when I said I was a history student, asked me what I knew of Irish history, and I said that it started with the British playing empire, and Ireland, Scotland, America, Australia, India and all those other places paid the price. He then grabbed me and kissed me. (he also said 'fucking english cunts') Turns out that the Irish are very very very good kissers. UHM. 
And then due to dramatic reason I cbf explaining, I also kissed this guy at the train station in the sense he was there, and we just came over and realized we missed the last train and knew we had five hours till the next one and I with liquid courage all warm in my stomach went up to him and said "would you care if I kissed you?" He just stared, which I took for a 'no I don't care' and kissed him. Cudos when we added him on fb the next morning and he was hot.

Yeah, I was a wee bit of a floozy. We then went to pancake manor and proceeded to eat. way. too. much. GOD. Who knew sunday nights could be so much fun?

SO THAT IS EVERYTHING, HURHURHURHUR. Anyway here is my con stuff: 8D

close ups, blah blah blah

Full dress~ Also expression is retarded because I was trying so hard not to laugh.


doing what we do best~

teh feathers! in all their glory!

my darling jinkles, who was the black to my white.

a ladies secrets, shhhhh. There is another skirt underneath this one.

Jinkles: fdsajfkddf

rl, cosplay, con, supernova, ramble

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