A Liamesque Numbered Post

Feb 18, 2010 20:06

But I'll use Roman numerals to be different and contrary :)

i. Stephen Fry is guesting on "Bones." Love him, and it's great to see Fry and Laurie on the same network, even not together, not on the same show and three nights apart! :)

ii. Micel Folcland just got invited to a timeline in Warsaw (Indiana). When I was active in RevWar, I used to go there, and it's a great site/event. Unfortunately, it may be opposite Vasa Park. She saw us at ReenactorFest, was impressed by our display and thought we'd make a good addition. That makes me feel darned good!

iii. Best of all, Warsaw is only a few miles from Jim Townsend's store. Haven't seen it or him for several years! I understand that he doesn't do much with the store anymore, leaving it to his kids to run, but he might come over to the timeline since I can't imagine the store won't be invited!

iv. I paid a pal for his old external hard drive today. I've already tested it out and was very satisfactory. Tonight, I put on most of my Regia files so that I have yet another backup. Redundant? Paranoid? Needless? Yes to the first two. Hopefully no to the last but better to be redundant and paranoid than a cheery Peter Pan who suddenly finds he has no files!

v. I head off to pick up Julie at the Union. She went to attend an SCA a&s night where someone was supposed to be reporting on a C&I seminar she went to. She couldn’t make it, no one else was going to make it and Julie ended up the only person there. Thankfully, because policy says that it the event is not canceled and no one shows up that the room must be paid for instead of going for free. Julie noted that someone had come by to check if anyone was there :)

vi. About one week to go and I can wake up to the Today Show and see only a moderate amount of sports activities crowding out real news! Yay!
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