(no subject)

Nov 25, 2003 21:08

sorry its soo long i was bored...don't have to read it just comment
[name] nicole
[nicknames] nick,nikki,sherri,sherri pie
[home] tarzana
[eye color] poopy brown
[hair] brown
[bf/gf] nope
[school colors] blue and white
[pets] 2 dogs, bird(eww)
[movie] don't care


[cereal] frosty flakes
[candies] twix
[ice cream flavor] cookie dough
[pizza topping] just cheese.
[saying] heheh sucker
[month] december(hanaka) february(my b-day)
[season] summer and winter
[shoes] uggs.
[fast food place] IN N OUT
[restuarants] la frite
[radio station] the beat, oldies, kiss fm, power 106
[band] lifeless(hahaha)
[t.v. show] angel, oc, smallville, tarzan(haha i know i'm a freak)
[food] cheeseburgers
[chocolate or vanilla?] vanillaa.
[skaters or jocks?] don't care
[cds or cassettes?] cds.
[are you left handed or right handed?] right
[whats your middle name?] sheridan(eww)
[how many piercings do you have?] 5
[do you read your horoscope?] no
[wat instruments can you play?] piano(please)
[how many pillows do you have?]4
[do you like to talk on the phone?] yeah..depends on who
[do you sleep with a stuffed animal?] nope
[do you believe in aliens?] i guess
[do you believe in ghosts?] ye
[whats your favorite feature (on yourself)?] nothing.
[what do you do when you're nervous?] shake my leg
[whos your role model?] hmm...don't have one
[wheres the farthest place you ever traveled?] ethuthra
[where do you wanna go?] europe and australia
[what do you wanna be when you growup?] artist
[gonna go to college?] yes
[where do you want to live?] l.a. or arizona
[who do you love?] family, friends.
------------RIGHT NOW------------
* Wearing: shorts and cheer shirt(lol)
* I'm feeling: annoyed
* Eating: nothing
* Drinking: nothing
* Thinking about: what i'm doing this weekend
* Listening to: nothing
* Talking to: ashlee

------------IN THE LAST 24 HRS------------
* Cried: nope
* Worn a skirt: yes uniform
* Met someone new: nope
* Cleaned your room: nope
* Done laundry: nope don't do it
* Driven a car: not lately

------------DO YOU BELIEVE IN------------
* Yourself: sometimes
* Your friends: mostly
* Santa Claus: no
* Tooth Fairy: umm no
* Angels: no
* Ghosts: yes
* UFO's: i guess

------------FRIENDS AND LIFE------------
* Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend: uhm no
* Like anyone?: not now
* Who have you known the longest of your friends: well ashlee shes my best friend, i've known her since pre-school but kind of split up so i would say david and reve
* When you cried the most: when i lost a friend
* What is the best feeling in the world: when a guy likes you and being with your friends
* Worst Feeling: when a friend treats your badly or someone says something bad about you
* Who sent this to you: took it from some girl on lj

[bands] don't know
[subject] math and science
[food] some sea food
[color] purple hahha

*this or that*
[boxers or briefs?] boxers
[plaid or striped?] plaid
[scream or scream2 or scream3?] didn't see any
[ska or punk?] ska
[salt or pepper?] salt
[okay, ok, or o.k.?] ok
[bright colors or dark colors?] dark
[tic-tacs or certs?] tic tacs
[sunshine or rain?] rain
[rain or snow?] rain
[sun or moon?] sun
[silver or gold?] gold
[silk, cotton, or flannel sheets?] cotton
[preps or freaks?] ?
[popcorn-with or w/out butter?] with
[ketchup, mayo, mustard, or relish?] ketchup mustard and mayo
[shampoo+conditioner in one or separate?] separate
*short answer*
[are you smart?] i guess
[do you like onions?] no
[what instruments can you play?] piano(mom)
[what words do you overuse?] sucker
[do you like to fingerpaint?] not really
[do you sleep with socks on?] no
[are you ticklish?] yes
[are you shy?] sometimes
[do you talk to yourself?] haha yeah
[is your house 1, 2, or 3 stories] 1
[do you have a basement or an attic?] attic
[did you go to preschool?] yes
[are you a morning person?] no
[whats your purity test score?] ?

*hard questions*
[would you rather burn to death or freeze to death?] freeze.
[are the best things in life free?] um ok
[can money buy happiness?] sometimes
[if you had to dye your hair right now, what color would you make it?] darker
[if you had to get a body piercing right now where would it be?] cartalige and belly button
[if you had to get a tattoo right now, what would it be?] star

4 FAVORITE GIRL NAMES: riley, charly, samantha, ashley
4 FAVORITE BOY NAMES: kyle, mathew, brandon, adam



6 FAVORITE MOVIES: don't care

ALL OF YOUR BEST FRIENDS (Max 15): i have a couple but don't want to name them






IF YOU COULD CHANGE YOUR NAME, WHAT WOULD YOU CHANGE IT TO: ummmmm probably samantha cuz that was going to be my name before nicole
1Would you ever date someone younger than you? it depends
2.Have you ever smoked weed? nope
3.Ever been drunk? kind of
4.Been in love? nope
5.Loved someone who you knew you couldn't have? yes
6.Gotten in a car accident? kind of
7.Broken a bone? nope
8.Had your heart broken? not really
9.When was the last time you cried? like two weeks ago
10.Last time you said I love you to someone: uhh...
11.Last time you laughed: hour ago
12.what age do you see yourself married at? 25 maybe
13.Describe your dream wedding: don't know
14.Do you eat chicken with fingers or with a fork? fingers
17.Would you rather give or receive? both
18.How many homes have you lived in total? 1
19.One pillow or two? 4
20.Do you get along with your parents? ha
21.Do you work? i did
23.Do you have braces? yep
24.Have you ever been chased by cops? haha no
25.Have you ever been in serious trouble? yes
26.Why is the sky blue? ??
27.Who was your first crush? in pre-school his name was winsin
28.When you meet a person of your preferred sex, you first notice their: features
29.Are you the romantic type?: ehh
4. Do you bathe in the mornings?: no night
5. Do you bathe in the evenings?: yes
6. How many times, in a week, would you say you've washed yourself?: every other day
7. Do you flex in the mirror?: no
8. Do other people find you attractive?: nope
9. Do you find yourself attractive?: no comment
10. What is your favorite quote?: don't really have one
11. List 10 things you like about yourself: um nope
12. List 5 people you care about online rgiht now: ashlee,emma,lauryn, franky,barry
14. Overall, do you love yourself?: umm ok
15. Are you more happy, than not?: no
16. Have you ever been hit before?: omg yeah like all the time
17. Where were you hit?: pretty much my head and my arms
18. By what?: noo comment
19. Did it hurt?: yes!!
20. Is the glass half-empty or half-full?: w/e
21. In what color do you see the world?: ok
22. Why?: ?
23. How often do you swear?: not really that much
24. How often do you swear at other people?: if they get me mad
25. How does this make you feel?: ....
26. Are you on some kind of medication?: nope
27. Do you think you need it?: nope
28. Right now, who/what do you feel like hugging?: don't know
29. Name 3 songs you'd listen to right now: don't care
30. List 3 people who's voices you'd like to hear right now: don't know
32. What is your favorite word?: sucker
33 What is your favorite color?: blue and pink
34. What is your least fvorite noise?: not sure
35. Least favorite word?: don't know
37. Do you value your friends?: yep!
38. Do you value your family?: yes!
39. Do you value your stuff?: yes!
40. Do you self-mutilate?: no
41. Do other people mutilate you?: sometimes
42. Have you ever been beaten up before?: no
43. Have you ever beaten anyone else up before?: when i was little
44. What's your favorite animal?: dog
45. What's your favorite desert?: umm ok
46. How old are you?: almost 15
47. What's your favorite "smiley face"?: hehehe
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