Title: Decadence Pairing: Bush/Hornblower Rating: R Summary: You can't restrain your true desire. Disclaimers: They are not mine nor I'm making money writing about them.
Will have to get myself a few more hot Bush icons made for these extraordinary fics this one has changed pace and style a little but equally displays your marvellous range of imagery and the confusion, excitement, passion
it is probably time to award you a "rawr" - at least. love the punchy short sentences ( as one who - er - tends not to use them !)
I always look forward to your comments maybe because I get the sense that you are a very cultured person so your comments means a lot to me but then I love every comment I get from all you people :) And you Bush icon ... I love it! Yeah definitely you should have more, I can't get enough of Bush gimme him! Horatio, confused Horatio divided between what he needs and wants and what is not right to ask and want. Between duties and pleasure. William knows how to attract Horatio toward him. Can't you find someone more devoted than him? No you can't that's Bush, that's the best you can get :)
" very cultured person" - thank you very much - I shall frame that ! ( volgivagant stop sniggering, - you too, anteros-lmc !
but cultured only on alternate days - I'm here for Archie's cute arse and Bush looking gorgeous in ( and out ) of uniform etc etc as much as the rest !
I will attempt to make a few Bush icons - I am practising for the challenge - butI am nothing like as skilful as you - love the vivdness of yours
It doesn't matter if you are cultured only on alternate days, for what I read you are cultured and I'm here for the same reason like yours, for Bush :) Thank you for your compliments when I'm making Bush icons I get all excited he's so hot!
this one has changed pace and style a little but equally displays your marvellous range of imagery and the confusion, excitement, passion
it is probably time to award you a "rawr" - at least.
love the punchy short sentences ( as one who - er - tends not to use them !)
And you Bush icon ... I love it!
Yeah definitely you should have more, I can't get enough of Bush gimme him!
Horatio, confused Horatio divided between what he needs and wants and what is not right to ask and want.
Between duties and pleasure.
William knows how to attract Horatio toward him.
Can't you find someone more devoted than him?
No you can't that's Bush, that's the best you can get :)
but cultured only on alternate days - I'm here for Archie's cute arse and Bush looking gorgeous in ( and out ) of uniform etc etc as much as the rest !
I will attempt to make a few Bush icons - I am practising for the challenge - butI am nothing like as skilful as you - love the vivdness of yours
Thank you for your compliments when I'm making Bush icons I get all excited he's so hot!
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