212: theatrical_muse 319

Jan 31, 2010 12:15


Friday means the end of the work week. It means weekend baseball, and college basketball. Nothing like starting the weekend with an Orioles game, whether it's at the Yards with my big brother, or in my living room in Falls Church. And I still pull for my alma mater, the University of Maryland Terrapins, in everything. (Well moreso now that we got rid of Greivis Vasquez, that sad excuse for an athlete. He may have been a good player but he was a lousy sportsman, and I have no patience for that. I mean, who badmouths your own fans? Really?)

But Fridays are a chance to relax with my husband and my baby boy, and I know from my father's experience that time spent with one's family when you work such a demanding job is priceless. My father always busted his butt to spend time with us no matter how long his hours, and I always appreciated it. Now that I'm a wife and mother I understand it even better. It keeps me balanced, sane and relaxed through everything that I work through. My job can be hard, and strenuous; it can even be life-threatening. But I can get off early on a Friday and come home knowing I have my family to myself for two whole days, and that puts everything in perspective.

Muse: Stark Patrick
Fandom: The X-Files (OC)
Words: 224

theatrical_muse, time: post-canon

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