ϡ - Chapter TwentyEight; The headmaster returneth [voice|written|action]

Oct 17, 2011 20:38

[It's hard to say how it felt coming back from that experience. It was like...a weight had been lifted, really. The reminder of his death finally gone much like the scars he has acquired from it as well. Helios doesn't remember much of what John did to him, the drugs still in implementation to a degree. Either way his glasses can be seen not on his face but in his hands as he stares at them before looking down at his journal with a faint smile. It says his name, nothing special, but he can read it again. He'll adjust them and put them back on a small sigh escaping his lips as he does so. But in the early evening a groggy blonde haired spectacles wearing man can be seen tripping, no surprise there, almost on his own two feet as he makes a vain attempt to reach the library. He manages to...land himself outside the library doors before sliding to the ground in defeat. Too taxing and he's too tired to really go any further. This is nice though, the weather is nice enough, and he hasn't set foot near the library in far too long as it is. Despite the destination not fully met, Helios isn't all too bothered given his state he’s actually rather content even. If anyone walks by he'll be sitting there for a long while, eyes closed almost as if he’s not entirely awake. He's definitely not going anywhere that's for sure. But! That's what the journals are for is it not?

The writing that comes over the network is slightly messy but still eligible. ] I'm...I'm back. I hope I didn't miss anything in those few brief days? You never can tell what Luceti will throw at a moment's notice though, hm? [Oh this is wonderful, this is...amazing. After four months he can actually read again. While no big deal to some...Helios has missed the comforting act very, very much. But...something is off just a little. He's pretty sure there's no colors when people write...so why was he seeing them? The transmission switches to voice. ]

That's rather odd. Would anyone be so kind as to assist me by writing their name? Or anything really. I-ah, it's very weird... [ A thoughtful hum on his end there's the sound of a pen tapping against a hand. Before long this shows up on the screen. ]

Ha! Fascinating. I'm not sure what it is but...unless this is another strange experiment... [Which it very well might be. Still Helios will switch back to writing just to see what colors letters will be and whatnot. He’s like a five-old okay? The drugs aren’t helping either. ]

It’s getting closer and closer to Halloween isn’t it? Ahh! Halloween is orange. [Getting off track Helios, focus, focus! ] But! Yes. There’s a tradition back in my world for those not of the faint of heart, and with the will and courage to brave the strange and unknown. It’s simply known as one man hide-and-seek. Strange, I know, but the children and teenagers back in my world seem to enjoy it. It’s become something of an infamous hit in my time. There are several steps and items one must take and use in order to ensure their safety while playing it.

[ He can’t really write out too much now. He’s so out of it and it really just hit him, oh dear. But he will manage to write out the steps, poorly and in worse writing that before, but it’s still legible…he thinks. ]

You need a stuffed doll with limbs. Some rice. A needle and a crimson thread. A sharp-edged tool do be careful when you use that. A cupful of salt and lastly a hiding place. All of these are very important so be sure not to miss any of them.

Now comes preparing the doll. There’s four steps to this:

Take all the cotton out of the doll, and stuff it instead with rice. I suggest you find one in the item shop. Definitely don’t use one you’re fond of and you'll see why later on. Clip a bit of your nails and put them inside the doll, as well and sew the opening up with the crimson thread. When you finish sewing, tie up the doll with the rest of the thread After that pour some water into a bathtub. And take with you into the hiding place a cup of salt water.

Ah and now comes the fun part. The actual game!

Give a name to the doll besides your own. When it's 3 am, say to the doll "__your name is the first it," three times. Go to the bathroom and put the doll into the water-filled bathtub. Then turn off all lights in the house and go back to the hiding place and switch on the TV. Ah well I’m not sure how applicable that part is, but well, perhaps using the journals might work? [Hmm that is a thought and it might yield some interesting results. ] When you have counted to ten with your eyes closed, go back to the bathroom with the edged tool in your hand, and remember be very careful when you do this, and when you get there, say to the doll ,"I have found you, __ whatever name you chose for your doll" and stab the doll with the edged tool. Next say "You are the next it, __(doll's name)," as you put the doll back in its place. As soon as you have put the doll down, run back to the hiding place and hide.

And that’s it! Of course now you have to finish the game, because terrible things might happen otherwise. So:

Pour half the cup of salt water into your mouth, you don’t need to drink it just keep it in your mouth and get out of the hiding place and start looking for the doll. The doll is not necessarily in the bathroom. Whatever happens don't spit out the salt water. When you find the doll, pour the rest of the salt water which is left in the cup over it, and then spray the salt water in your mouth over it as well. Say "I win," three times. Unfortunately that’s the end of the ritual aside from that you’ll have to burn the doll and discard the remains.
It’s imperative that you don’t go out of the house while doing this or actually have anyone else inside it either. Also do try not to continue this ritual for more than two hours.

I think that covers it. If you have any questions or concerns about it do let me know and I will try to answer to the best of my abilities. Let’s see what type of spirits are residing in Luceti.

Oh and do try to not get too spooked; it’s all about having fun after all. [ If you could see his face there would be a wry smirk on it. ]

[Voice: Poorly Filtered to Frederic sometime later]
[ He sounds rather tired but the concern is evident in his voice. ]

I’m terribly sorry about…about missing today. I-I tried to get…to get this penalty removed as fast as possible. Are you alright? W-Would you mind if I stopped by? [ Nevermind him actually getting there. He'll drag himself if he has to. ]

((ooc; Sorry for the tl;dr folks. And for those who are curious Helios just came back from his death penalty removal so he currently has synesthesia for the next week until it wears off. ))

sorta trolling, action, he's a derp, eccentric, reading rainbow, written, curious, babbling, voice

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