ϡ - Chapter TwentyNine; The mission [accidental voice] backdated to the 8th

Nov 10, 2011 23:55

[ It’s a typical day for him aside from the fact that he has a mission to go on today. Not that he’s told anyone about it, still suffering some lasting effects of Halloween’s fiasco being a burden on anyone would only make things worse. If he can help it he won’t. If becoming a shift tester would help others then, well, he’d like to do it. Mainly though Helios will be heading down the stairs from the room not having heard Giles come back home last night. He is a bit worried and even left a note for the other stating where he went on the door but, well, he’ll also be fiddling with the journal in his hand. Perhaps he should tell Frederic and Robert as well just so they don’t worry.

But we all know how bad Helios is with these things despite the amount of time he uses them. An accidental touch and being in the wrong place at the wrong time can lead to…well interesting conversations picked up, especially in Luceti. The voice function turns on just as he gets close enough for the journal to pick up, well, one arguing voice; the other participant hardly capable of such feats if by only through miracles or shifting neither of which were present at the moment. ]


What happened last week or earlier this week has a great deal of bearing on matters. Most notably, you're hung over and in no fit state to become a test subject.

[A rustling of paper as he points at the notification in Ginia's journal, identical to his own - to report today, as a test subject for the new Malnosso scientists.]


Maybe you won't. When are we ever lucky? ...then why am I not allowed to go with you?


[Giles doesn't even try to hide his amusement at this reply.]

And you shouldn't? For God's sake, I've gotten off easily compared with you. [...] Do you, by any chance, remember who you're talking to? With the amount of fights I've gotten into as of late, I think not having anything happening to me is something of an improbability at this point. [...]

You say that as though I don't feel precisely the same thing in regards to you. [Said with equal affection and exasperation.]


Only if you'll stop kicking up such a fuss about my coming along. [...]

Just Helios? You should probably let people know that the club is going to be closed a while longer. [...] Can you blame him? We've already tried to stop us. [...] ...likewise. But, well, all good things. Shall we?

[...] Just Edna. We'll, um, probably need to drop her off somewhere, besides.


I would prefer that, yes.

[Footsteps, as the two of them make their slow way towards the stairs. Helios who has been listening in the entire time will jump a little the journal rustling against his clothes as he flails a bit on the staircase before pretending to be coming down again. And what do you know he’ll actually run into Ginia, grace, he has it in spades. His journal will make a fumbling noise of rubbing over fabric as he tries to steady himself. ] Ah! G-Ginia! S-Sorry, I-I'm s-sorry. I-I didn't he-hear you.

[ Well duh Helios she can't speak. ] Oh. I-I mean, um what, what are you t-two up to today?

...I think you did hear us, actually. [Giles sounds decidedly suspicious.]


Um, um I...I w-was- [ No they're both going on a mission and he did hear at least Giles' side of it. A sigh. ] You're both going on one of those missions, aren't you? [ It's said a bit tiredly. Neither of them are in any fit state...especially Ginia. ]

Both got the announcement today, I'm afraid. [No point in lying after that little display. And here Helios was not going to tell either of you besides with a note. ]


But y-you're hardly in any, any state to go Ginia. [ He doesn't know about the night before but he does know about the wing. ] You need to rest. [ Says the man who is going with a partially healed hole in his hand. ]

Says the man who still hasn't regained the full use of his hand. ...not that I'm advocating that either of you go, mind. But neither of you are in much of a position to argue me out of it. [Because he hasn't gotten maimed or had a serious crippling psychological breakdown. This week.]


I-I s-still have, have the other one. A-And this one is healing fine. [ It's not going to stop him from going, especially now that he knows you two are. ] A-And just because you're in a better state than us doesn't mean you should go. [ A sigh. There's a pang of guilt as Ginia flexes her wing Helios might look away and then back at the two them. ] None of us really are when you think about it.

...and it really doesn't matter what we say. Not going will mean that we're, well, punished. I don't think the Malnosso were exaggerating. They never are.


Together. [ Helios is frowning oh so much. But it's better than the alternative "punishment" or going alone. ] Yes that seems to be the only real choice doesn't it?

...then, remind me, what are we fighting about? [ ... ]

Edna. [One word stopping him dead. Not that he's protesting, mind. But Giles realizes belatedly that he does have other responsibilities. There’s an irritated huff shortly after.] [...]

It's not a matter of me taking care of her, it's a matter of someone else taking care of her. We have no idea how long we'll be gone.


H-How about Frederic and, and Poland m-maybe?

Possibly. I'll, um, see if they're up for it. Where's my journal? [His hands go to his coat pockets, and then Giles turns in a slow circle as he realizes that he doesn't have it.] Probably left it in the apartment. Helios, mind if I borrow yours'?

Ah! O-Of course. [ And like the absentminded derp that he is, he still doesn't realize it's been on this entire time. DERPY DERP! He'll hand it over to Giles the rustling of the action passing over the network. ]

(ooc; This is hideously backdated sorry for the fail guys. School. Red is Giles. Green is Helios. And the forever ...ing Blue is Ginia. As for replying they'll be quick threads if anyone does reply, as they have to surrender the journal before leaving. Also if anyone is curious to see the entire convo with Ginia's parts added it's here.)

he's a derp, journals how do they work?!, derp derp derp, voice, babbling

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