Jun 19, 2006 12:03
Those who are "religious" or not, I want some real answers.
Before you read on, please forgive my cynicism. I have had everything from the pitied "I'll pray for you." to having people lay their hands on me and try to pray away the sickness. While well intentioned, and I have wanted to believe what they were doing was real, it has all turned out to be phony.
Without further words, here are my questions along with my commentary:
Yesterday at service, a lady pastor was the guest speaker. She got pretty pissed off at all of us. She was calling out Hymn names, and expected everyone to know the words and sing. I, for one, barely know any more than the first verse of "Amazing Grace". This is not the first time I have seen such expectation.
So, this leads to a few questions: Do "saved" people just magically know all of the words to every hymn as soon as they: #1 Fall on their knees #2 Acknowlege that they are a sinner #3 Ask Jesus to come into your heart #4 Ask for forgiveness #5 Accept Jesus as your personal saviour #6 Fill out a little card putting a check-mark next to 'Saved!' or 'Recommiting my life to Jesus' along with your full name and address? Personally, I have not done step #6, and I really wonder if I did steps #1 though #5 in the wrong order. I have seen the salvation formula time and time again. I have seen time and time again that people act pious while they talk about Jesus or quote scripture, yet they are far from being as much as a good person outside of that. With my own guild included, almost everything is covered in hipocrisy.
More on the salvation thing, since it is crammed down my throat daily... I hear daily tesimonies of people giving their life to Jesus, how they felt a sudden peace come over them or how that sore knee that they haven't seen the doctor about suddenly feels a little better. Is a person supposed to get some sort of big ZAP from heaven? Is life suddenly all rosey and serene? I am under the impression that is exactly what is supposed to happen--A big ZAP that makes everything all good?
I hear alot of "I had a dream" or "God told me to do this or that". After you get zapped, become rosey and serene, do you start having visions and hear voices in your head?
What is with the "Ala ba ba goodoo ba ba ba" stuff? I've seen it plenty of times on TV and have anonymously dropped in on some sunday services in the past. Is this the penecostal speaking in tongues? Is this the language of the angels? Is this the "spirit"? Are these the exact words that the spirit commands a person to say? I see no pattern nor syntax in this language. I see simple syllables that are commonly used by children between the ages of 7 months to 2 years old. Therefore I have to conclude that it is no language at all. My memory may be rusty here, but from my understanding of the first day of Pentecost, the disciples spoke in foreign tongues, yet everyone could still understand them. If they didn't need a "spiritual translator" back then, why do they need a "spiritual translator" now? I believe that in a large group with a speaker who has charisma, people can be worked up into a frenzy. People become subject to the power of suggestion. People adopt a herd mentality as they are conditioned into accepting the words from the speaker's mouth as same authority as the word of God.
Is it normal for a Christian to be cold and condescending to those who have "dead souls" but warm and friendly to those who are "born again"? It actually hurts inside to get a cold stare while somebody else is called "brother". I use this terminology, because this terminology that has been used recently in my situation. The next time I get asked why I'm standing in the wrong line (they have a way of separating the the residents from the bums that is a little complicated to write right now), I think I just might say back to them "Why are you separating the sheep from the goats? Isn't that God's job on the last day?"
Why do I see more truly good people who aren't so visibly or obnoxiously Christian? Are these people the real thing while the preachers and those who give "testimony" are the phonies? If this is true, then Christianity as a whole is in a very, very sad state. Those who claim to know exactly where they are going when they die have turned out to be liars. I am well aware of the "not through works alone" spiel, and it is still on convincing.
Since I need these questions answered, I want to present to you my incomplete conclusion and solution:
Stick to small and informal bible studies. This fulfills the requirement that He is present when 2 or more gather in his name. Anything that is interpreted and elaborated on as God's word and other supporting references should be looked up to verify the context along points/counterpoints before anything is accepted as "true". Fast paced, emotional sermons should be avoided. Being overly emotional causes a person to become vulnerable to another person's agenda. Attend services that are measured, not overly emotional if you feel that you need to be part of a community. Last, make some kind of attempt to 'walk the walk' and 'talk the talk'. The rest of the world judges your religion or belief when the gums start flapping.