Yes, he's just batman's cheap whore.....

Jun 25, 2012 17:57

For the third night in a row I played lego batman till stupid o'clock. be precise. Then of course, I didn't just sleep - I wasn't tired weirdly, so I watched an episode of Psych in bed - totally breaking the promise I made to a certain person :S So it was...... 6am ish before I even tried to doze off, and maybe 7 by the time I did? My alarm went off at 12, bloody thing.

Still, a shower kicked my arse into action. But, I love my download wristband, I really don't plan on taking it off, however, after a shower it feels like a slimey worm wrapped around my wrist, and it's horrific. The fact it's wet though sums up that weekend, so it's kinda ironic.

Thought I'd just watch Hellboy 2 as I've lovefilmed it for ages, and well, tis easy to watch.

Been arguing with someone for a while now, it's really rather annoying me. I know I'm being stupid, and I know that... they are probably right, But I also think they are trying to influence what I do, how I go about something, and it's because theydon't get it, and don't like the whole thing. They aren't being understanding either, and yeah, they just seem to be winding me up!

Last night I spoke to Sar, not that that's news really because there's rarely a day go by when we don't talk. Sorta decided it was fate that we met. It's great that we did, and how we've got so tight.

She told me there was a halloween party going down - basically told me I was obliged to go xD Of course, I don't think I can - which is typical! It'd be a great chance to meet Suzi before November, and a great chance to see Sar in a nice costume, and to get drunk with her. But, at least one of us will get to meet Suzi. Good, wise, because in a way me and Sar are so tight that together we might be...... tricky to deal with?

So instead, we've agreed that we'll do a christmas and/or new years party together. Not that I mind of course, I love spending time with Sar! I also love that she seems to WANT to spend time with me, like it genuinely seems to be something she's excited about!

I think I'll try and see her 5 times by the end of January 2013. August, maybe September - but only for a day if I can go to the football, November, December and then January? I dunno, that sounds over the top, and I'm sure she'd tire of me quite quickly.

Hopefully me and her are gonna play some soul cal and doa4 later, and then have a chat while we batman. I dunno though. I do hate asking her, just like I hate phoning her, although I'd love to do that more often. We're cool, and she tells me not to panic - to chill - but I do worry.

It's probably to do with something that happened back in year 7, when all of a sudden I realised my best mate, who I'd known for years, once just didn't turn up when he said he was gonna come round. He'd decided he didn't want to be my friend anymore, he didn't like me, but hadn't bothered to tell me. As you can imagine I was distraught, but I also think it was good. He was, and is, a waste of air. He'd done nothing with his life, and as far as I know, he still has. His dad is still my godfather, not that that even means anything - I don't need a legal custodian or owt - so if I bump into him I at least say hi. But yeah, total wanker.

Anyway, I think me and Sar are far closer than that. I'm not even sure there's a word to describe it... it's kinda more than just a friendship - or at least I *think* it is....... but then what do I know?

Gonna go see my sister sometime this week. She's missing me, but has no money to come see me. So I will take her plants, and head on west! I'm thinking........ Friday? But I've no idea.

That's another thing that's bugging me about the friend! They have a younger brother, and a younger sister, but they aren't close. They don't get my..... attitude toward Laura. We've always been close, we'll happily hang out, and have a laugh, and we have our own little in jokes. The friend? Well I don't think they do. Not really. Laura also has no problem hanging out with my friends, in face, she really likes some of them - mainly because they remind her of me, like they are vaguely similar. She loves the banter too, and she'll turn on me just as much as they will. She's a cheeky little bugger. One of the reasons I think she'd get on with Sar too - though the pair of them would drive me insane!

Thing is, I don't hold my sister in some sort of....... saintly...... manner. Which is where the problem is. My mate, they treat their sister like she's meant to be an angel. So she can't be immature, or talk about some stuff with her friends, that sort of thing. And they then seem to think my sister should be the same.

Like, they "saw her holiday pics........ looks like she was having a good time......"  I knew what they were getting at. They were getting at the fact she looked drunk in most of them, and in one is straddling some topless dude while licking.... salt? off his chest. They seem to think that's not sister-ish behaviour, and either me, or my parents' would have an issue with it.

I guess maybe it's because I know what my sister is like. I know that as a very young girl she'd go out and get so trashed she couldn't even stand up, she still does. My mum would pick her up, and she'd have to stop twice on the way home to vomit. My mum didn't care, as I'm sure she did the same thing. And tbh, I don't care. I'm happy she has fun. I've seen both sides of her - the party animal side - heck I've been out with her, and we both got wrecked numerous times, and I've seen the lazy, cricket loving, bond reading, creative genius part too. She works hard, she plays hard, and I'll stand by her.

Maybe it's because she's always listened to me, I can cheer her up, or get her head on straight..... I dunno..... The one time I couldn't, she accidentally broke my tooth. Lip balm tubs, when thrown at the ground, but which don't actually hit the ground are painful as hell. But I always know she didn't mean it - some people don't get that either.... why don't I hate her? Well, I don't. She's my little sister.  She's always called me 'E', or 'bean' and if she really wants attention - for example if I'm talking to my dad, she'll ask why he has 'My Ian', which often leads to them both having a joke about who I belong to >.<

Anyway, yeah, that friend just can't understand the bond. And....... why did I start talking about that? Oh yeah! Gonna go see her.... that's right.

That's WAY too much writing, but hey, whatever. And another entry where I talk about Sar too much probably. Still, whatever. I like to talk about the important things/people in my life.

Think I might whack a thai red curry together for tea.

Er..... for now.. bye bye!  

high school, best friends i could ask for, irl, girls, my life, funtimes, play with me, self doubt, xbla, sar, waffle, happy, fun, games, raz, great mates, home, xmas, internet, christmas, xbox is like a pretty box of distraction, the best of the best, bio, yawn, real life, talking is good, tired, epic, gaming, so freaking happy, xbl, friends, relationships, gibberish, i need to move to where my friends are, xbox

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