During the past few days I've received millions and millions of e-mails and letters (Millions, I tell you! Everyone in the world, including the president of Burundi, reads this crap. You know you're hanging out with the cool guys just by reading these words. Trust me. Trufax.) asking me for tips on how to look as dashing as I do.
I need a some time to compile a Perfect Guide to Dressing Like Elina (I can already tell you that it has a lot to do with
this guy over here) but in the meantime, here's a few tips on styling your hair.
How to get the perfect Elina-hair
Step 1: Take a shower
Step 2: Forget you have hair on your head
Step 3: Wait 15 minutes and you're done
(The following steps are completely optional and should only be followed if there is a huge party/other formal event such as a presidential reception coming up.)
Step 4: Accidentally see yourself in a mirror and note the lump of hair on top of your head
Step 5: Dampen hair again
Step 6: Run comb through hair, use a blow dryer if you're feeling posh
Step 7: Done!
An Alternative Elina-hair can be achieved by doing the following:
Step 1: Take a shower
Step 2: Towel-dry your hair
Step 3: Wear a hat
Step 4: Remove hat after 20 minutes and you're done
This is how it should look if you're doing it right.
And to fit the mood:
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