FFMoPE: The Fashion Blog Edition #1: Sequins and shoes

Nov 18, 2009 17:57

Having googled "fashion blog first post", I no longer feel the need to type up a pseudo-witty introduction that would, in perfectly good taste, make a bit of fun of all the dashing fashion bloggers out there. They seem to do it quite well themselves.

Thus, I'll just get straight to the point. You know who I am and what I think about fashion anyway.

Sequins are awesome. Or were, about a year or three ago, when I was quite ready to give up my left arm for a fabulously tacky piece sequin-splattered clothing.

I used to think Imogen Heap was a man. I also thought her shirt was awesome. This was back in 2005.
I was obviously ahead of my time. Except with the Heap being a man -thing.

Now? I'm pretty sure they make woolly socks with sequins on them. Possibly even long johns. (No, wait, they're called leggigns these days and of course they're glittery. Duh.) Everything is glittery. People look like Cullens in broad daylight. AND THEY THINK IT'S OK.


Yes, I'm bitter. All those glimmery, tacky, hideous things call out to me every single time I pass a clothing store. Especially the shoes. I probably shoud buy a few pairs and keep them hidden until this sequin-mania passes and I'll once again look like a complete wanker if I cover myself in glittery stuff. Like I should.

And no, of course I can't indulge myself in the world of glittery clothes now that everyone else does. That would be. like, totally not cool and un-special.

This is a view from any given clothing store at the moment.
(Or possibly a detail of my intergalactic-Elvis-jacket, who knows.)

I have a theory about how the business cycle (look at me being all smart and stuff) affects the way people dress. In the late 80s's/early 90's everything was all happy colours and glimmering details, as if to make the poor pennyless people forget just how poor and pennyless they were. Just as now. Although I'm a bit dubious as to how much the recession really affects ordinary people.

When things are good, financially, people dress accordingly. No over-the-top colours, no sequins (unless it's party-time!), no huge-ass heels with diamonds on them. Just sleek and stylish. There's no need to pretend as though we're rich and can affored to buy THINGS THAT ARE GLITTERY.

This still doesn't explain the empire-waistline or the hideous limp tricot -fabric that everything is made of. Oh well, I suppose some of the oddities of the ~*fashion world*~ can never be explained.

... I have no idea how I got sidetracked like this. I'm passionate about my sequins, dammit. And why do I find it incredibly unsurprising that my talk of fashion suddenly turned into a talk of Other Important Things.

In conclusion: sequins and glitter are like pvc and leather - either you are an idiot and think you look good wearing them, or you are awesome and aware of just how ridiculous you look. (Or you're one of the 10 people in the entire world who can dress up as a gigantic sequin-covered toaster and still look dashing. Or performing in the Eurovision song contest. Or in a Bollowood-movie.)

I'll leave you with this.

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ffmope, fashun, shoez, glitter

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