(no subject)

Apr 16, 2006 20:29

I've just noticed the Traditional Values' Coalition website has pictures of women holding signs saying "My abortion hurt me";

a) it can't have been too painful, because they're smiling
b) they should have asked for anaesthesia
c) I hurt myself when I tried to get down the stairs this morning, but I'm not calling for a ban on staircases


And their websites offers such pearls of wisdom that suddenly feel so free, so full, so gloriously "normal" after I underwent extensive, damaging therapy to stop being an abomination of nature!

"Contrary to what homosexual activist groups or homosexual-affirming psychological associations may suggest, there is hope for individuals who wish to break free from unwanted same-sex attractions, sexual compulsions, cross-dressing, or transsexual feelings.

So basically, what they're saying is:

"Although specialists, scientists, psychiatrists, psychologists and homosexuals themselves say that homosexuality is not a disease, we say it is so it must be true 'cuz we've read the Bible and they should damn well do as we say because equality only goes insofar as everyone must be like us."

tvc, gay, abortion

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