Life on RICE/Disturbing Dreams

Mar 31, 2009 21:57

RICE. Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation is what my life is all about right now. I had hoped I'd be better by now, but it looks like I can count on two or three more weeks of this. I've made some progress. The swelling has gone down a good bit, and my knees look alike once again. I can walk unassisted, and my range of motion is roughly half of what it should be. For the record, I can fully bend my leg, but only if I use my arms to pull it the rest of the way. I have to do so to stretch out the injured muscle and displace the rest of the blood. From the looks of it, I bled a lot. There's all sorts of gross discoloration down my calf and up the inside of my thigh.

Worse than the discomfort is the cabin fever and anxiety. Regarding the cabin fever, I'm about to go bonkers from doing nothing all day every day. As for the latter, since I was supposed to leave for job training on Friday, I went out and bought all my supplies, racking up a nice $700 in expenses. My recruiter said she could move me to the next class, whenever that starts, but it's aggravating to spend that much money without a source of income. Then, of course, I have my medical expenses.

Times like this are ideal for counting my blessings:

1. Despite how much more my savings will deplete, I'm grateful I have more than enough to cover everything.

2. I'm grateful how much entertainment options I have with internet access. If this were 15 years ago, I'd really be going out of my mind.

3. I'm grateful there's no reason I won't make a full recovery.

4. I'm grateful I have job employment coming once I'm better.

5. I'm grateful my cat is such good company. She literally spends almost the entire day and night either in my lap or at my side.

6. I'm grateful I have such a hospitable place to stay.

7. I'm grateful my lack of employment allows me to focus entirely on rehab.

8. I'm grateful I'm not suffering from insominia like I usually do when I'm anxious or stressed.

9. I'm grateful I'm in nowhere near the same amount of pain that I was last Tuesday night.

10. I'm grateful Dad can now drive. Last week, Dad and I went back to his old house to pack up my things so I could leave and to move some more of his items to this house. Last Tuesday afternoon, he was able to drive the entire 3 hour trip by himself (though, I followed behind in my own car).

On a not so bright and cheery topic, you know how you almost always forget your dreams during the day. I mean, you can remember that you had a dream, but you become increasing unable to remember what happened until you forget it completely. Yeah, I had one several nights ago that was so disturbing, I still remember it, and here it is.

I dreamt I went to an art exhibit, only to discover that all the pieces consisted of chopped up corpses that the artist had reanimated a' la Sergei S. Bryukhonenko ( You'll have to scroll down a bit. Apalled, I retreated to the men's room where I bumped into the artist who had the audacity to ask me what I thought of his work. Naturally, I did the only natural thing. That is, I beat him into a pulp. The last thing I remember was slamming his face into the urinal. If dreams are how your mind processes what happened to you throughout the day, maybe I need to quit doing nothing all day. Either that, or quit reading Cracked articles about real life mad scientists.

With that said, sweet dreams everybody.
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