I've been hearing alot of outrage about AIG. People are ticked off at AIG giving million dollar bonuses to it's employees when received billions in government money bailout. What no one seems to understand is that:
1. those bonuses total to less than 1/10th of 1% of the bailout money AIG received, and
2. those bonuses were paid pursuant to a contract. If AIG had decided to stiff those employees, they could have easily sued, costing AIG double what it already paid.
Now congress is taxing 90% of those bonuses. Why doesn't that scare anyone? Why doesn't it scare anyone that if you work hard and earn a lot of money, legally, that the government can just take it away because enough people are seething with envy. Especially during high school and college, I saw people who had things I didn't, things that I wanted for myself. I thought about my future career and when I would be able to afford that house or car I want, but never did I consider that they should have to give up their earnings simply because they had more than me.
This is beyond envy or covetousness. This is flat out wealth hatred. Here is an excerpt from a letter to the editor in the Rockdale Citizen that demonstrates this perfectly. (
"From the headline, 'Trillions in Fed Spending: Obama's first budget quadruples the deficit.' President Obama is giving us the change we can believe in, just like he promised. How do all the retirees feel about their life savings being worth half now? If you hadn't been so greedy all these years and had paid more in taxes we wouldn't be in this mess. I hope that before long, the president with the help of the Democratic Congress will get all of your retirement money and give it to the poor, and then you will know what it feels like. I hope and pray that we will soon have free medical care that President Obama promised. The rich have always had the insurance and money to go to the doctor, and soon you rich people will know what it's like to have to wait in line to get treatment with the rest of us. No more going to the front of the line just because you have money. During the campaign every time Obama pressed the economy his number went up and McCain's went down. The American people have spoken, we won the election from Bush. He caused all the problems and now you Bush supporters just whine about your problems, well get over it. It's a new America, and we are the Man now."
What no one seems to understand is that your income represents heart beats. Of the finite amount of time you have to live on this planet, your trade that time away to an employer in exchange for income. The money those people had in their savings account represented those moments of their lives that they exchanged to someone else for income. The very notion that anyone would believe in using the government to seize a portion of someone else's life out of nothing but spite..well...it makes me want to go on a crotch punching rampage. Whatever happened to the America where people saw what they wanted and decided to get it with their own elbow grease?