mild weather. Mild mannered. Mild progress.

Mar 27, 2012 21:02

no news on changing work shifts yet, but I'm totally enjoying my lazy mornings with Denali :)

Worked on dressage today, getting lateral work into her until she unlocked and opened up her stride. I could probably get back into lunging her a bit pre-ride as I used to... but I admit I'm lazy and side reins, etc just take more time.

Currently solidifying being even and steady. Walk-trot transitions solid, but I skipped over trot-canter today .... another day's discussion and we need more work on her haunches first. Still, excellent handshakes in all gaits and the canter did NOT get dragging heavy as it often does, which I'm conservatively optimistic is a sign of better strength. Yay!

Also, she's shedding. FINALLY! I think I need an hour, the iPod, and a curry comb for each hand. I'll do that this weekend. :)

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