
Mar 24, 2012 22:05

Totally weird question for you all.

Do you ever see people out running (lots of running lanes here on the sides of the roads and the weather just turned nice so people are everywhere...) and find yourself TOTALLY judging them as being 'insufficient quality of human' because they are paddling out or obviously pigeon toed or other horse-type of conformation flaws?

Because I've always done that and since I took up running it's only gotten worse. I can't help it! I see people running badly and judge them the same as I would a horse that I just KNOW would go lame if you tried to trot it 5 miles with that sort of horrible stride....

and then my mind detours into debates over corrective shoeing vs. corrective SHOES for people and whether benefits that we've developed in the horse world carry over as well to people or not.

Sometimes, my brain, I wonder.
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