And people with egos, well they better not come cause you know we don't need those.

Mar 13, 2006 11:13

I made a phone call last night, and for some reason was completely overwhelmed with emotion. The funny thing is, I felt like how I did before I started taking medication (physically), however my mind was in a different place. I was wondering why I was crying. At one point I began to rattle off my own self psychoevaluation, and at points I literally couldn't get my voice to work. It didn't make much sense. Maybe it was because of epiphany, or the relief of finally getting these thoughts out in the open, as opposed to letting them bubble and boil in my head for decades.
Needless to say I had many a disturbing and stressful dream (involving teetering heights and tornados), and didn't get out of bed until a few minutes ago. I'm supposed to go to Milwaulkie, something I really want to get over with, but considering Stephy has no voice AND is getting a root canal, it may be difficult for me to get the day off. Fuckin a. Barry's going to be pissed at me. I feel like I'm back in high school, never getting anything done.
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