Title: Childish Things
seta_suzumeSeries: manga/Brotherhood
Word Count: 644
Rating: G
Characters: Mei Chang & family
Summary: Mei leaves home.
Warnings: none
"Surely, I am no longer such a little girl that I need to bring you along with me on this trip, Ai Ming," Mei addressed the pretty doll sitting on her bed beside the bag her Chang Clan grandparents (the only grandparents she had ever known) had packed for her with care. She remained "little" only in the sense of her size. She was almost twelve years old now (her coming birthday would most likely pass while she trekked across the desert).
Xiao Mei sniffed at her pack, curious as to what sort of hardy snacks might be contained within for their journey. Ai Ming's painted eyes stared up at her owner. Even a girl her age, Mei reasoned, could be a bit sentimental when it came to a toy like Ai Ming. She was something more than a mix of wood and paint and cloth. Her mother, Imperial Concubine Feiyan, had made and decorated Ai Ming herself as a gift for her only child.
Ai Ming was more of a little mother character than a sister or a baby like most dolls. If Xiao Mei was her wild companion, Ai Ming was her gentle one, a piece of Mei's mother who was always available to her daughter. "You are much too adult to be sad without me, Ai Ming," Mei continued (for Ai Ming's sake, of course, and as a substitute for saying so to the others she was leaving behind, not for her own), "You will find it as glorious as every other member of the Chang Clan when I return home with our salvation in hand."
Xiao Mei was getting a bit too close to finding her way into where some of their rations were being kept. "Xiao Mei, stop. You'll still have a chance to eat here before we go," she pulled the under-sized panda aside and shouldered the pack. It was heavy with the supplies she would need to keep the two of them alive on the long stretch of their journey apart from civilization.
She allowed herself one last glance around her bedroom before scooping Xiao Mei up in her arms and walking out for her final goodbyes and a somber meal with the closest members of her desperate clan. Grandfather had promised to come along with her as far as he could and furnish her with some final tips, but she would take her leave from Grandmother and all the rest here.
"It would be best for you to be back home before dark, Grandfather." Mei's steps slowed as their inevitable separation grew nearer.
"Yes, but I'm sure I will still have time if I go just a bit further. Up to the top of that hill, perhaps?"
That brought a smile to her face. "You said that before the last hill. This really has to be the last time."
"I promise," he agreed.
Mei mentally shored up her resolve not to waver as he kept that promise and hugged her good-bye. She made herself brave with further vows to conduct herself well in Amestris and to save their clan and make him proud.
"I can do this," she said. She believed it.
She looked back at the hill, growing distant in her sight. He was still standing there. "Grandfather," she thought, "You should turn back."
Then Grandfather held up Ai Ming and waved. Mei hadn't realized he had brought her doll along as he accompanied her. She blinked back the tears that threatened to bog down her steps before she had even truly begun. Ai Ming would be waiting for her return, just like the rest.
Maybe there would be something left of the little girl in her when she marched home triumphant. Maybe not. But, someday, she was sure, she would have daughters of her own who could treasure an heirloom meant to be loved.