Title: Straight from the Mold, Ready to Be Sold
likeadeuceSeries: manga/brotherhood
Word Count: 248
Rating: T (suggestiveness)
Characters: Roy Mustang, the Hawkeyes, female OC's
Summary: His aunt sent him money at the beginning of every month
Warnings: None
Author's Note: Developing some fanon about Roy's wayward youth. No, not that fanon.
Title is from "Gone" by Jack Johnson
Roy's aunt sent him money each month with a note -- "For meals. Don't give those nice people too much trouble" -- leaving him to puzzle whether she knew a different, nicer Master Hawkeye, or if this were code for "I don't blame you wanting to get out of that house." Maybe she meant Riza, but the girl had her own friends and when her eyes met Roy’s they said, I don’t want to spend time here anymore than you do.
The money let him eat nightly at the local (dingy, greasy) tavern or weekly at a flashier place, where he bought into a card game and doubled his stake on the first try. He believed in luck and was good at odds. When he lost he could usually dine on the grace of a barmaid named Trixie. She took him upstairs once, and that was nice, but afterwards she fingered the silk shirt Madame had gotten in trade from an East City tailor and said, “I’m here to catch a rich man. Your clothes don’t fool me.”
Winning too often in the same place bred unpopularity, so he asked about the town’s other expensive bar. Trixie made a face. “Bored housewives with too much money to throw around.”
Roy hated to think of anyone being bored. He didn’t buy his own dinner for the rest of the summer.
Whatever his aunt thought, Roy had learned from watching Master Hawkeye. He wasn’t going to make a living from alchemy alone.