Fic: Nuts & Bolts, Entry for Prompt 311: Nuts

Jun 01, 2015 14:03

Title: Nuts & Bolts
Author: classics-lover (Classics Lover)
Series: Manga
Rating: Gen
Characters: Winry Rockbell
Summary: pre-canon, how Winry makes a life-changing decision
Word Count: 225(ish)
Warnings: none, except for quality of content :P

People had a tendency to vanish from Winry Rockbell's life. She didn't like it. It might have been childish, but it was no less true for it. People loved her and left her. She saw it everywhere. Her parents, Van Hohenheim (whose disappearance hurt Al and Ed more than she, but still, he was gone) left the town under their own steam, and then Trisha Elric (like another mother, or a favourite auntie) began to slowly fade away under her very gaze, too.

The only people who were guaranteed to stay with her - or at least consistently return to her - were the ones who needed help with their automail from Granny Pinako. And so it was that Winry saw the solution to her problem, and took up a wrench, put a smile on her face, and learned how to keep her clients (patients? Customers? Friends?) coming back for more. Nuts and bolts were a simple solution to a complex problem, but a solution that worked.

And, if occasionally tightening the screws on Ed's automail too much encouraged him to take better care of himself his automail, well, that was a bonus solution to a bonus problem, the nuts and bolts of which she decided it was best not to examine too closely. At least not until Ed and Al were safely back in Risembool again.

prompt 311

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