Calling all fellow writers, artists, poets, cheerleaders, beta readers, Ishbalans, and Amestres-ians!
Welcome to the 2009-2010 Fullmetal Alchemist Big Bang Challenge!
Yes, you read that right. It's finally here. And yes, it's that challenge--the one where you tear your hair out for months on end while drinking loads of coffee and staring blearily at the screen up 'till 5 AM creating a masterpiece. And then posting it online for everyone to admire. Yesiree.
Scared yet?
Good. You really shouldn't be XD
Don't be shy, and give it a try. The FMA BBC is strictly just for fun, so be as creative as you want to be. There are only a couple of ground rules.
What exactly is the Big Bang? What if I don't finish? Why are you doing this to me? Are you crazy? Go to the