(no subject)

Nov 04, 2006 22:06

From the journal of Terence Benjamin Boot

[Unlike all past entries, this one is without any kind of bookmark or placeholder. The journal itself is now dusty from disuse and the spine is cracked.]

4th November, 2001/Canterbury, England

I've not made mention of this before for fear of jinxing the whole operation. Michael has told Hermione, I know, but what we're attempting to do tomorrow -- and the week or so following -- might not go as well as we'd like it to. Nothing ever seems to go as well as we'd like it to these days.

We're going into the lion's den of Rabastan Lestrange's home to rescue Susan. We meaning myself, Michael, Cho, Luna and Penelope. We've planned it all out in a fashion befitting Ravenclaws and I'm hopeful that we've created a strategy for every possible scenario. If not, we are so screwed.

If something happens to us, well, maybe it won't all be in vain. Though I don't know how the Order would fare if they lost six people at once. Our ranks are already low enough as it is.

I'm hiding this journal in the library so there will at least be a record of our attempt if we do not return.

Audere est facere.
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