(no subject)

Aug 31, 2006 22:30

From the journal of Terence Benjamin Boot

[Serving as a bookmark is a candid Muggle photograph of Susan taken during the short time they lived in Chelsea.]

31 August, 2001/Canterbury, England

Susan is gone.

She was taken by one of the Lestrange brothers last Friday and I

I cannot sleep or eat; and concentrating on anything except her is impossible. Michael needs me more than ever now and I'm useless to him.

Useless useless useless useless useless useless


Coming back here was a mistake. Letting her go to Diagon Alley over and over while I sat on my arse tending to what amounts to stupid weeds was a mistake.

I never told Susan I loved her before she left for her tutoring session. I always made sure to do it all the times before.

But this time I didn't -- like a fool I was too caught up working on this damnable curse business to do anything more than mumble a distracted goodbye. What if she never comes back? What if she's already dea
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