I WROTE SOMETHING!!! All the other news gets to wait until I have bounced and squeed at Aubrey and Heather on the phone. Deal? Good.
Title: Promises
Prompt Set: Emotions
Character: Tyrone Astin
Prompt: 007. Annoyed
Word Count: 692
Rating/Warnings: G
Author's Notes: Written for a prompt in my Creative Writing class: dramatic voice, mostly dialogue (Hemingway-esque). And I've been meaning to do this for ages. Also, you meet the much, much softer side of Christopher Astin. He's usually much more short-tempered. Feedback much appreciated. Also... yeah, I'm back. Long story why I'm gone, but suffice to say I'm in Cambridge.
Summary: Christopher Astin once made his son a promise... and though neither of them intended it, it was broken. Time: Early 2004.
( Follow the fake cut, Neo... )