"No. You want you to find it..."

Jul 16, 2006 17:02




Okay. Done, really. But seeing PotC2 is not condusive to acting normal.

BUT! I was reading this amazing book borrowed from Cameron, The Court of the Midnight King, in which Richard III isn't the bad guy and stuff, and there's a girl from the future, and now...


FINALLY, I have it.

FINALLY, I have my new world, new cast, and the explanation for how it is that green-eyed prince died and stuff. So!

And yes. He's... six feet even, maybe a little shorter, with light brown hair and green eyes, and tanned. Lanky, I suppose. And... *BLINKS* OMIGODOMIGODOMIGOD! THAT's who the lowly guard guy is!

It's Dennis!!!!!!!! YAYAYAYAYAY!!!!

I'm done now. Okay. Wow. Now I just have to make the clerical girl not-me. Hehe. Fun stuff. (Also? There's a hugely important guy who's a history professor who verges on a socialist. Um. Only thing keeping him from being a version of Chris is the non-temper. Which he does, in fact, lack. Otherwise he'd be much like Chris. But without the red hair.)


Oh worldbuilding, how I love you...

EDIT: Okay. So Aubreys, as soon as we get on at the same time, we will ramble at each other about the loveness that is our characters. And I'll see about phone rates for recieving calls from overseas, and get a phone card and give you a ring if you don't get charged, 'kay?

writing, trips: england, worldbuilding

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