And how the grand illusion lingers on...

Jul 08, 2006 01:40


I'm packed, except for toiletries I need in the morning.

I'm taking too much, particularly in the way of sheet music.

Not that I, you know, care.

But I have a little room left, in case I buy anything. A very little room. But I'll make it all fit again somehow. I swear I will.

I feel like I'm taking far, far too much. Mrrh.

I will reiterate the point about the sheet music. But I just... needed to take it. Mrrh. I am too fond of music. Listening and playing. But then that's the point, isn't it?

Anyway... I'm... off, mostly. I might post one more time. I should have internet access there. I mean, it's not like I'm going to the hinterlands of the desert or anything. I'll be at a college campus. Cambridge. They ought to have computers, no? So. It might be a while between updates, might be a while before I update, but I will update. Probably.

So anyway, I'm leaving... I thought you'd like to know.

late-night ramble, packing, trips: england

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