I hate packing. Officially.

Jul 08, 2006 00:05

...Damn. I was so gonna have the room, but... *mutters* Damn damn damn damn damn.

Oh well. Better to have room and not go nuts.

So I took every CD I could, literally, and snuck in a few extra DVDs by doubling in a CD case where the CD insert would normally go. Whoot. I am evil incarnate.

And I am currently having trouble actually... y'know, fitting everything. So I will actually get out my other carry-on thing. *mutters* Oh well.

Should I bring candles? Hmm.

The thing I really, really dread, though, is my carry-on luggage. For on the plane. I have... a slight problem with amount. Mrrh. Oh well. I'll manage it all.


Oh bugger. I was gonna burn that CD too... *mutters to self about this*

I have way, way too much music

packing, trips: england, music

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