The following is the most useless update in the world. It really has no real need other than the fact that I have time to kill and Im bored.
- Watched the Super Bowl last night. It was a really good game, better than I thought it was gonna be. Too bad the Eagles blew it by not managing the clock that well. The Patriots are one hell of a team and they will stay a good team because they know what they're doing front office and on the field.
- T.O is my boy. I used to only like T.O but after last night's game, I love T.O. I always loved his cockiness and his attitude but they way he played last night took some freakin' balls and I give him props. He is officially my favorite player in all of sports right now. too bad hes an Eagle.
- My friend Sam can open a beer bottle with his butt joke. I think thats pretty cool but i dont think i would be able to pull that off.
- Im definitely gonna work out now and start pumping iron. When I come back to UMBC, I wanna have some semblance of guns. right now...I have super soakers with the safety on.
- I've been doing an official countdown to when school lets out: 14 weeks.....
- A lot of my friends have been going through some rough times. I feel for ya, and if u need anyone to talk to you, Dont hesitate.
- I wear my hats to class alot...i mean i did that at UMBC but anyways....I wore my NC hat to Poli Sci and now my professor thinks Im a Tar heel fan which i kinda am but thats great because he went to UNC, so he like freakin loves me. My stat teacher went to College Park so he saw me in my terps hat and we were talking about basketball for like half an hour and he loves me too. So i guess heres to hoping that my Art History or English Professors went to either UVA, Kentucky or are huge Red Sox Fans
- If u haven't heard it I think everyone should download....."Wake Me Up When September Ends"....Its an awesome song. Kinda echoes how I've been feeling lately.
- Well...i gotta run...if u read this...thanks for reading my pointless entry