How to view hidden folders on a Mac

Dec 30, 2008 04:11

No juicy information here.  I'm mainly just posting this because I know I'll need to know it again later, and I feel like using livejournal as my receptacle for useful information.

Anyway, how to view hidden folders on a Mac:
1. In finder, go to Applications/Utilities/Terminal and launch Terminal.
2. Enter defaults write AppleShowAllFiles TRUE and press return.
3. Enter killall Finder and press return to restart finder so the change takes effect.

To hide the folders again:
Same process, except on step two, enter defaults write AppleShowAllFiles FALSE into the terminal window.

In case you were wondering why you might ever need to know this, you can take music off your iPod and put it back on your computer if you can view the hidden folders (which was my main reason for wanting to know).  Viewing hidden folders is a lot less complicated in Windows.  Er, Windows XP, anyway.  I don't know about that Vista shit.

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