(no subject)

Apr 03, 2005 03:44

So I went on my "date" (I am not sure if it really was one or not). Mark took me to the nearby mall. There was a little mix up about the time. He called around 1:00 while I was in the shower and then again when I had just gotten back. I have horrible reception in my room but I didn't want to go out into the hall or lounge in my bathrobe. I thought he said he would pick me up at 6:30. Around 2:30 I called my parents and while I was talking to my mom I was getting that beeping that someone else was trying to call. He left a message on the phone saying he was running a little late and would be there soon. I panicked. He called back and said he would be on his way. I told him I thought he said 6:30 and I wasn't ready b/c I had just gotten out of the shower. He was understanding and we agreed to meet at 3:30. I rushed back to the room where I had to blowdry and straighten my wet hair. Luckily, I already knew what I was going to wear.
He picked me up outside the back of my dorm at 3:30. It was pouring but he still opened the door for me. We went to the mall. He needed to get a pink athletic shirt for a school modeling fundrasier that he is in w/ a friend of mine (groups of 3 can join - one person does buisness wear, one does formal wear, and one does athletic wear. He is in the gryphons in training group and is doing the athletic outfit. It has to have pink in it b/c it is raising money for breast cancer.) Anyway, we went into a few stores looking for a funny pink shirt. We found a great one that said "I do my own nude photographs" but the only one they had was too big. We found another one that said "bean - the musical fruit" but we settled on the one that said "models wanted". He was surprised that they sell so many pink shirts for boys - I think I am used to it by now. Anyway, he then got something to eat (I had already eaten so I turned down his offer) and we talked about a bunch of stuff - movies, music, vacations, etc ... We got lost on the way back to campus (we knew where we were the whole time we just kept messing up).
He asked me to the Sig Ep formal that I believe is next weekend. He said that he knew that it is short notice and I may not have a dress so he would understand if I couldn't go (but he did offer to take me to get a dress if I needed one). I don't think I have the appropriate dress here but my mom could send me my prom dress if I decide to go in the next day or so. I am not sure if I want to go. I am pretty sure that my guy friends who are pledging are not going (partly b/c I think it semi-expensive as far as a college students small budget goes)and I don't think I know any girls who are going. And I know that a bunch of frat have there formals in Philly and keep people in hotels overnight - I do not want to stay overnight in a hotel with a boy I don't really know well and w/o any of my friend around. I think I will try to get more details about it and then give him my answer.
Anyway, it was a good experience and I had a good time - all that worrying for nothing.
And I shall go to bed now seeing as daylight savings time has stolen an hour from me - poor Molly only gets 23 hours of birthday.
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