Apr 20, 2012 06:20
My square card stopped working on Sunday. It was fine on Saturday. Then on Sunday I lent it to the vendor next to me 'cause she left hers at home. It didn't work. Then I couldn't get it to work either. I even tried my own credit cards, but nothing worked. Luckily I could manually enter the numbers.
I ordered a new card and was just told it's been shipped already. Nice.
And customers are starting to see more and more of them and are much more comfortable with the process. This has been a huge money and time saver.
BTW - did you know businesses will have to separate income starting next year? It was on this years Schedule C, but was optional for this year. But next year companies like paypal and squareup will need to send their information to the IRS and we need to put it separate. Kinda makes me wish I had a personal paypal account also - I could have used it early March. No way I'm paying income tax on money I gave directly to the vets. If I HAVE to put it on to match some 1099 Paypal sends me I'm offsetting it with the expense it went towards.