(no subject)

Mar 20, 2008 03:10

So I got stuck in a waiting room for the better part of an afternoon a few days ago and to pass the time I started doodling, and in the end I accumulated a few Nathan and Peter pics, very G rated since I was sharing personal space with people at the time who I didn't think would have appreciated anything more.

Anyway here they are (sorry if they take awhile to load)

lil!Peter couldn't decide if he wanted to be a hero like Superman or a big boy like Nathan so he decided to be both (yes those are suppose to be Nathan's clothes he's wearing)

lil!Peter again though this time with teen!Nathan

I guess the idea here was that Nathan showed up to pick Peter up from school for some reason or another..it wasn't an excuse to draw teenage peter really >.> <.< *shuffles guiltily*

fanart, author: run_itskelly

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