thefridayfive This week's questions were suggested by
1. Who is your favorite author?
Hmmm, I'm going to procrastinate and say Dean Koonts, Terry Pratchet, J K Rowling and Stephen King
2. What is your favorite book/series?
I know it's trashy goodness, but definitelly the Harry Potter series
3. Who is a book hero you most wish to be like?
I'd probably go for James Bond because, I mean, who wouldn't want to be that cool, succesfull saves the world and gets the girl? top bloke :)
4. Who is a book character that you envy?
Isn't this the same as the last question?
5. Which book do you wished you lived in?
Harry potter books. I love the escape and romanticism of magic and adventure. And the strong bond the characters have with each other.
Copy and paste to your own journal, then reply to this post with a link to your answers.