Dec 29, 2007 17:50
My January schedule, which I'm sort of locked into at this point, looks something like this:
4-6: Chicago with Hannah - breakfast at Ann Sather's and treats from the Middle Eastern and Swedish bakeries.
6-11: Oberlin. Dragging my crap out of storage, moving into my room (Baldwin 207!) and meeting with lots of advisor-y people. Oh, and hanging out with whoever's there. Who wants to go to Black River?
11-13: Couch Surfing in Charleston, WV.
13-15: Exploring the nationalism in Oak Ridge, TN. I might couchsurf, or just cave and spend a couple nights in a hotel (though not really financially feasible).
15-18: Asheville with a truly awesome friend from Pinewoods - partying at UNCA and doing some awesome dancing.
18-19: Staying over a night in Richmond, VA with my mom's cousin (theoretically - I just don't want to drive 8 hours in a day)
19-22: Baltimore/DC with...someone to be determined. Dancing? Reading? I hear it's a cool place, anyway.
22-23: New York with the lovely Anna!
23-24: New Jersey with Miriam and ANI!!!!
24-28: Boston with Ary and whoever else happens to be there. Dancing, catching up, sleeping...and NOT driving.
28-31: A quiet vacation from society at my grandmother's (empty) cottage on Martha's Vineyard.
31-February 1: Driving back to Oberlin with someone (Becca? pokepokehinthint)
Phew! And if that wasn't enough, I agreed to read a bunch of stuff and journal about it for Wendy Kozol (who is actually the best advisor ever, so I'm not complaining). I am going to try to read:
Gender Trouble, by Judith Butler
Imagined Communities, by Benedict Anderson
The History of Sexuality, Volume 1, by Michel Foucault (re-reading)
The Second Sex, by Simone de Beauvoir (introduction only)
Transnational America, by Inderpal Grewal
The Queen of America Goes To Washington City, by Lauren Berlant (re-reading)
and some articles from Performing America and Feminist Nationalism (ed. Mason and West, respectively)
umm...I can really see this not happening. But it's Winter Term, and I'll get something out of it, no matter what. Really, I'll just be happy to get through the first three and maybe take a look at the others. I think it's more interesting to read things that aren't so directly related to what I'm looking at, and get my brain to form the connections. But we've always known I'm crazy.
Wish me luck, kär vänner, and perhaps I'll see you on the road :-)
p.s. flammifera, you'll notice that Philly isn't on my list of started to seem really too ambitious after adding all my stops in the South. But maybe I could stop in for lunch or something on my way to New York? I'll certainly let you know ahead of time.